5 Evident Signs Your Accounting Software Is Holding Your Business Back

Have you outgrown your accounting software? How many of these key symptoms do you recognise?

  1. You struggle to find the financial information you are looking for. You don’t know what’s happening across the business in real time.
  2. Reporting is complicated and time consuming for your staff. Too much time spent on generating reports across entities.
  3. Manual data entry between systems and across departments. You see information asymmetry in data coming from different areas of your business.
  4. Still using Excel spreadsheets to keep track of business data. Inventory management and accounting are still done “the old way”.
  5. You don’t know how to make sense of the data you have. Business insights, budgeting and forecasting rely on guesswork.

Even businesses using some of the best Accounting Software get to a point where additional functionality is needed. If you recognise some of the symptoms listed above, it might be time to upgrade your Accounting Software!

To learn more about what you can do to overcome these challenges get in touch.
